How to Get Rid of Moths in Your House for Good

Learn how to effectively get rid of clothes moths and pantry moths through deep cleaning techniques, storage hygiene, trapping, and prevention. Read our guide and follow the steps.

February 8, 2024
min read
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Sick of having your sweaters ravaged by holes or kitchen pantries overrun with insects crawling out of your cereal? Once an infestation takes hold, moth problems can rapidly spiral out of control. Getting rid of an existing moth issue while preventing future ones requires diligence and patience.

The good news is with concentrated effort on both removal and prevention fronts, it is possible to permanently eliminate moths from your home. This comprehensive moth combat guide covers practical cleaning, trapping, repelling, and storage solutions for kicking moths out of your house for good. Implement these strategic methods to successfully banish pesky moths from textiles and pantries forever!

Here are the steps you need to follow to get rid of the nasty crawlers.

1. Pinpoint whether you have clothes or pantry moths

The first step is identifying what type of moth is invading your home. Clothes moths and pantry moths cause similar damage but require tailored removal approaches.

Clothes moths feast on natural fabrics and can ravage clothing, upholstery, carpets, and other materials containing wool, fur, silk, felt, or feathers. Telltale signs are silky cocoons and tunnels of eaten fabrics. Pantry moths infiltrate kitchen cupboards devouring grains and cereals. They leave behind silk webbing and larvae casings around food packaging.

Inspect susceptible areas closely to determine the infestation source. Grains, birdseed, rice, pet food, spices, flour, dry pasta, nuts, chocolate, and dried fruits are appetizing pantry moth targets. Wool clothing, bedding, rugs, taxidermy, brushes, felted hats and accessories attract clothes moths. Pinpointing the exact species helps streamline removal tactics.

2. Start cleaning and throw out infested materials

Eliminating larvae food sources is the number one priority. For pantry moths cull through all items seals have been broken on. Toss anything showing contamination signs - grains clumping from sticky webbing secretions, flour full of worms, spices covered in cocoons. Wipe down shelves afterwards and vacuum floor crevices to remove pupae and eggs.

With fabric moths gather all clothing, blankets and materials showing tunnels and larvae damage. Place them sealed in trash bags for disposal or laundering. Clean wardrobe surfaces by vacuuming floors and shelves before wiping down. Follow up by washing uninfested clothing and bedding in hot water and high heat drying to kill eggs.

Be extremely thorough inspecting every crevice, closet, container and furniture cavity for additional food sources. The pest population will continue growing until all edible materials are removed from premises.

3. Skip the mothballs and seal everything up

Now that initial cleaning is done, take preventative steps for securing vulnerable items moths target. Instead of mothballs, use cedar blocks, dried lavender, tobacco leaves, and essential oil pouches to repel moths naturally.

For fabric moths, place woolens, cashmere, and other natural fiber clothing in airtight plastic or garment bags. Vacuum seal bags to compress fabrics and limit oxygen circulation. Store off-season items this way at the back of closets or under beds to prevent future infestations inside.

To protect kitchen goods, transfer flour, cereal, pasta, rice, oats, seeds, nuts, chocolate and chips into sealed glass, plastic or metal canisters. Clean shelves again before restacking containers. Frozen foods are usually moth resistant but check bags for broken seals before freezing. Maintaining diligent storage hygiene is key to preventing recurrent moth issues.

lavender buds

4. Consider homemade solutions

There are several highly effective DIY methods for eliminating moths using natural household ingredients. Create non-toxic vinegar moth traps with apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar mixed with a few drops of dish soap poured into small containers. Position traps along walls, cupboards and closets where moths roam. The pungent scent lures moths in to drown.

Plain vinegar or vodka spritzed over fabrics helps removes hatched eggs and larvae while deterring adults. Mix essential oils like lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus or tea tree into water and mist over infested carpets and upholstery. The potent fragrances repel and kill moths at all life stages.

For repelling fabric moths sprinkle cedar chips, dried lavender buds, tobacco leaves and rosemary into storage bins. The aromatic compounds naturally drive moths away. Make sachets with these moth-repelling dried herbs and tie onto clothing hangers. Their lingering fragrances permeate fabrics.

5. Vacuum and clean regularly

Staying diligent with routines helps secure success keeping moth populations at bay permanently. Incorporate washing clothing and linens in hot 130°F plus water into regular laundry loads. Use a garment brush on seams and fabrics prone to egg laying before washing. Dry on high heat setting to kill any eggs or larvae.

Check pantries weekly and wipe shelves down while inspecting packaged goods. Discard anything showing signs of infestation. Thoroughly vacuum floors, baseboards, vents, corners of closets, and behind appliances where food debris collects. Use crevice tools to extract larvae and eggs. Taking time with recurring maintenance vastly limits moth issues down the road.

What You Need to Control Moths

Vacuum Storage Bags

Airtight vacuum seal bags prevent moths from accessing clothing, bedding and textiles. Compressing contents inside bags also kills eggs and larvae while protecting fabrics.

Flour and Pantry Moth Traps

Pheromone or sticky traps draw adult moths in to capture them before breeding. Use continuously to monitor for new infestations.

Clothes Moth Traps

Pheromone lures specifically formulated to attract clothes moths are more effective than universal moth traps.

Home Storage Bins

Sealable plastic bins in airtight lids prevent moths from accessing foods or fabrics. Use with moth repelling cedar blocks and essential oils for added protection.

Staying vigilant by adhering to these clothing storage hygiene practices and cleaning routines will guarantee moths plaguing your home finally become a thing of the past! Reach out for professional pest control assistance if infestations ever get severely out of hand.

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